P-04-396 Emergency Life Support Skills (ELS) for Wales Schoolchildren

Public Affairs Officer for the Children’s Commissioner for Wales to Deputy Clerk

Dear Kayleigh


Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your letter. The Commissioner has requested I respond on his behalf. Whilst acknowledging Emergency Life Support Skills are certainly valuable skills for children and young people to acquire, the Children's Commissioner for Wales, Keith Towler, does not think it appropriate to involve himself in this specific discussion on statutory PSE provision at this time.


We understand that Welsh Government currently  has  no intention to review the current mandatory content of the PSE curriculum, however when any review of PSE is undertaken, would expect a wide   ranging analysis of the needs of children and young people in Wales. This  should include listening to the views of children and young people as part of a participatory education system. A review of the PSE curriculum would also need to comply with the Welsh Minister's duties under the Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011.


Despite his current stance on PSE, the Children's  Commissioner for Wales would be supportive of any awareness raising activity relating to this  particular  issue and wish the British Heart Foundation well in its promotional activity.


Kind regards



Gwion Evans

Swyddog Materion Cyhoeddus| Public Affairs Officer

Comisiynydd Plant Cymru | Children's Commissioner for Wales